Complete solution in multilingual translations

We combine extensive experience with the best translators and cutting-edge technology to offer the maximum in Quality, Price and Speed to all our clients, meeting challenging deadlines with excellence.

30 years

A strong reputation in the national and international markets

30 years

A strong reputation in the national and international markets
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5,000+ satisfied clients

all over the world

5,000+ satisfied clients

all over the world
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Multiple languages

Specialized translations in the main languages

Multiple languages

Specialized translations in the main languages
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Recognized quality

More than 98% of clients rate BTS with scores of 9 and 10

Recognized quality

More than 98% of clients rate BTS with scores of 9 and 10
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Dedicated to excellence, we offer competitive prices and a swift, customized service that exceeds your expectations.

Advanced technology

We use the latest technology to ensure fast, accurate and cost-effective translations.

Speed and punctuality

We will meet your deadline at any cost because we understand that the best translation only holds value if delivered when you need it.

Qualified professionals

Our team is made up of experienced translators, proofreaders and layout designers who specialize in different areas.

Fast and consultative service

We aim to gain a quick and thorough understanding of your needs, providing you with an accurate price quote within an hour.

Read some testimonials from clients and partners

A BTS foi a única empresa que nos ofereceu capacitação e conhecimento técnico para a tradução de nossos manuais e guias de produtos. Sua expertise fez com que nossos materiais traduzidos tivessem uma melhoria considerável na qualidade, ajudando nossos clientes e reduzindo gastos operacionais com atendimento e suporte técnico.

Glaucio Henrique

Gerente de Produtos – Business Solutions – D-Link Brasil

A BTS Traduções vem fornecendo traduções especializadas e de ótima qualidade à Verbo Comunicação nos últimos anos. Nunca tivemos problemas quanto aos prazos ou ao conteúdo e esperamos manter boas relações com a empresa durante muito tempo.

Roberto Pinto

Diretor – Verbo Comunicação

Ter a BTS como parceira nos trabalhos de tradução é garantia de trabalhos bem-feitos, agilidade e muito comprometimento. Equipe altamente capacitada, tendo como resultado trabalhos com qualidade indiscutível, além de um atendimento impecável.

Daniela Bufalier

Purchaser Analyst – Kleffmann Group

A BTS cumpriu um prazo impossível que nos possibilitou participar de uma licitação importante. Eles são realmente muito rápidos, tanto no atendimento quanto na tradução.

André Braga

Diretor Administrativo – Critéria Biomateriais

A qualidade da tradução é absoluta, claramente o time é técnico e especializado, utilizando-se dos conceitos financeiros e setoriais amplamente difundidos internacionalmente. Excelente parceiro estratégico!

Pedro Cardoso

Analista de Relações com Investidores – Porto Seguro

Estamos muito satisfeitos com os serviços prestados por vocês ao longo dos anos, entregando sempre com excelência e no prazo acordado. Contamos com a sua parceria contínua.

Luiz Nascimento

Administrativo Jurídico – Nexa Resources

A BTS tem sido uma parceira valiosa para o Femme, oferecendo serviços de tradução essenciais para o nosso crescimento e expansão internacional. A equipe demonstrou um alto nível de profissionalismo e eficiência em todas as interações, e estamos satisfeitos com a qualidade do serviço prestado.

Felipe Monteiro de Albuquerque

Chief Financial Officer – FEMME Laboratório da Mulher

Em nome do Grupo José Alves, recomendo a BTS Traduções por ser uma empresa séria, comprometida com os prazos pré-acordados e pela excelência nas entregas de seus trabalhos com uma alta qualidade. Nossa parceria é de anos, e pretendemos seguir com esse relacionamento por uma longa data.

Leandro Faustino da Silva

Ger. Administrativo Financeiro – Grupo José Alves

Agradeço a atenção e dedicação de toda equipe, as solicitações sempre atendidas dentro dos prazos, com certeza irei recomendar. Que nossa parceria continue assim.

Regina Telles

Analista Contábil Sênior - Paranapanema

Tive a oportunidade de trabalhar com a BTS em algumas situações, e em quase todas elas com prazos apertadíssimos e a necessidade de uma tecnicidade e sigilo muito grandes. O serviço entregue foi extremamente satisfatório. Prazos honrados, atendimento excelente e qualidade inquestionável. Só tenho elogios pela parceria.

Bruna Duarte

Advogada - Legal Counsel – Hyundai Rotem Brasil

We are a benchmark in high quality translations completed with incomparable speed and efficiency.

Financial Translation

With three decades of experience in financial translations, BTS serves the main B3 listed companies, the largest banks in Brazil and major audit firms. Our team specializes in the financial market and masters the technical terms of the sector, ensuring unparalleled precision in each project.

Financial Translation

With three decades of experience in financial translations, BTS serves the main B3 listed companies, the largest banks in Brazil and major audit firms. Our team specializes in the financial market and masters the technical terms of the sector, ensuring unparalleled precision in each project.
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Sworn Translation

Translation of personal, legal and commercial documents into various languages, including contracts, diplomas, certificates, powers of attorney, citizenship (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese) and Canadian visa, with complete acceptance by the relevant bodies at a fair price and with very fast delivery.

Sworn Translation

Translation of personal, legal and commercial documents into various languages, including contracts, diplomas, certificates, powers of attorney, citizenship (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese) and Canadian visa, with complete acceptance by the relevant bodies at a fair price and with very fast delivery.
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Legal Translation

We have a team with far-reaching legal knowledge, consisting of former lawyers, jurists and other professionals with expertise in the area, offering reliable and technically accurate translations of contracts, case documents, tenders, and expert opinions, to name a few.

Legal Translation

We have a team with far-reaching legal knowledge, consisting of former lawyers, jurists and other professionals with expertise in the area, offering reliable and technically accurate translations of contracts, case documents, tenders, and expert opinions, to name a few.
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Medical and Pharmaceutical Translation

Translation of medical journals focused on different specialties, anatomy atlases, research and scientific papers, medical articles, drug package leaflets and others, carried out by a specialized team dedicated exclusively to medical and pharmaceutical translations.

Medical and Pharmaceutical Translation

Translation of medical journals focused on different specialties, anatomy atlases, research and scientific papers, medical articles, drug package leaflets and others, carried out by a specialized team dedicated exclusively to medical and pharmaceutical translations.
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Machine Translation Post-Editing

We rely on trained and qualified post-editors to carry out the process of improving and customizing the machine translation generated by our clients. The result is an accurate and fluid translation at an excellent cost-benefit ratio.

Machine Translation Post-Editing

We rely on trained and qualified post-editors to carry out the process of improving and customizing the machine translation generated by our clients. The result is an accurate and fluid translation at an excellent cost-benefit ratio.
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Technical and Engineering Translation

BTS stands out for the quality and reliability of its translations of manuals, proposals, articles, patents and technical bulletins in the fields of civil, electrical, electronic, mechanical, metallurgical, chemical, food and production engineering.

Technical and Engineering Translation

BTS stands out for the quality and reliability of its translations of manuals, proposals, articles, patents and technical bulletins in the fields of civil, electrical, electronic, mechanical, metallurgical, chemical, food and production engineering.
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Transcription and Subtitling

Transcription of content such as: earnings conference calls, speeches, lectures, interviews and training programs, as well as subtitling of any type of video. Our team is made up of qualified professionals who work very quickly.

Transcription and Subtitling

Transcription of content such as: earnings conference calls, speeches, lectures, interviews and training programs, as well as subtitling of any type of video. Our team is made up of qualified professionals who work very quickly.
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Simultaneous Interpreting and Equipment Rental

With more than 3,000 successful simultaneous and sign language interpreting events under our belt, we offer a complete solution with qualified conference interpreters and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure peace of mind and the success of any event.

Simultaneous Interpreting and Equipment Rental

With more than 3,000 successful simultaneous and sign language interpreting events under our belt, we offer a complete solution with qualified conference interpreters and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure peace of mind and the success of any event.
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Success stories

Case de sucesso de tradução corporativa - ISE Business School

Case de sucesso de tradução financeira - Big Four

Case de sucesso de tradução técnica - Solaris Edições Culturais

Case de sucesso de tradução jurídica - Auditoria BDO

Cases de sucesso

Case de sucesso de tradução jurídica - Auditoria BDO

Case de sucesso de tradução jurídica - Auditoria BDO

Case de sucesso de tradução jurídica - Auditoria BDO

Case de sucesso de tradução jurídica - Auditoria BDO

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